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שתהא שלהבת עולה מאליה

​The Torah’s instructions for lighting the Menorah tells us how to ignite the Neshama, “Light it so that it should be a flame that arises on its own,” So that when you remove the candle, it can stay lit without your support.


The same is true of our children, light their flame so that they can stand on their own.

Teach them – and do everything in our power that they should want – to keep Torah and Mitzvos, while instilling in them that it is their Judaism and their relationship with Hashem.1

The education of our children is the same as the Kiruv of a Yid who is a spiritual child.

We have the honor and privilege to introduce them to the Torah and Mitzvos that were always theirs. With love and without judgment, focusing on what we can do to help.2 The same attitude we have for a Tinuk Shenishba we should have for a “frum-from-birth” child, and reach out to them with the same love, support, and acceptance.

This is especially true for teens, who are transitioning from a relationship with Yiddishkeit based on doing as they’re told by their parents and teachers – which is how it mainly is (and should be) as a child – to a relationship that is personal and internally motivated – how it should be as an adult. From only “Naaseh” to also “Nishmah”.3

From being like passengers on a train in their education and their relationship with Torah and Mitzvos, to being in the driver seat.

In today's era, where there is greater freedom but also increased challenges, many young people may find themselves questioning the relevance of what they see and hear in school, at home, and in shul. Schools and parents have responded by providing additional programs and experiences for their students and children.

Alongside these efforts, InnerFlame provides a non-judgmental and voluntary environment where young people can explore and discover their personal connection to Hashem and his Torah.

1.     Sefer HaSichos 5750, pg. 504-515

2.     Likutei Sichos vol. 10, pg. 24-29

3.     Likutei Sichos vol. 23, pg. 92-95


Our Programs:​

Shiurim and one-on-one learning:   Discussions and lessons, addressing ideas in Torah and Chassidus that are on their minds. Networking and meeting with young men to learn what they connect with in Torah at their pace.   

Fabrengens:   With local and visiting Mashpi’im, in beautiful and comfortable settings and with premium refreshments.

Shabbatons:   Shabbos meals and Farbrengens locally for different age groups throughout the year, as well as out-of-town Shabbatons.

Content:   Written, audio and video content for parents, teens and educators.

Every Jew has enough spiritual light to light up his own life and the lives of those around him. The Rebbe - Hayom Yom, 5 Cheshvan

Our Mission

Our Mission

InnerFlame was founded to provide enjoyable and enriching programs for the Lubavitch youth in Montreal. These programs are intended to supplement and complement what they already receive through their schools, and are designed to help them develop a deep, personal connection to Judaism and cultivate an inner passion that will sustain them throughout their lives.


Our Vision

Every person who discovers and cultivates his or her G-dly potential, experiences personal redemption and brings the world one step closer to the true and complete redemption with Moshiach NOW!

We Need Your Support Today!

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